I have already listened to this podcast HERE three times over. Every time I listen, something new resonates with me. It’s like watching a movie for the second time and picking up on new lines, jokes, etc. I have written a synopsis of his sermon with all the key (and FIRE) points he made. However, still give it a listen as I’m sure he will say things that’ll specifically stand out to you.God’s knock isn’t always a crazy and loud one. Sometimes they’re small subtle knocks.
When you really live with God… it doesn’t take much cause you know his knock.
What you initially think is the devil is knocking to attack you is actually God knocking on your door to develop you. What knocks on the door looking like trouble sometimes is training to teach you to trust in God. It takes time to develop this with Him, but when you do… Even if you don’t like what’s standing at the door, by the time God gets done working in your situation, what enemy intended for evil, God will turn to good.
Not everything that God brings into your life is nice because sometimes when you pray for an opportunity, you open the door and find opposition instead. Have you ever prayed for patience? You know what God is going to send to your door when you pray for patience? Trouble. He’s gonna send something to get on your nerves. (This story of his was so funny)!
You may not like the package your prayer requests shows up in when it comes to your door. No matter the delivery system, you must trust that God was the one who sent it.
Don’t you know that’s sometimes they’re one in the same? This is what I’m learning. I’m learning that a lot of times when I’m getting something at the door that I want to turn away, it is actually the opportunity for God to teach me to trust him. It’s hard to say Amen to that because you want God to come knocking with a flower bouquet.
Whatever is at the door, even if God didn’t send it, HE IS GOING TO USE IT!
The Angel told Paul to get up and THEN the chains would fall off, as opposed to us waiting for the chains to fall off and then deciding to get up. If we wait for the chains to fall we will never get up.
Sometimes you got to pray by faith not knowing if it’s doing any good in your life. Sometimes the proof if your prayers and faith are working is that if opposition increases.
Some of you are questioning if your prayers even work, if you should just give up. Is God using me? Is God with me? Something you should know is if the devil showed up in the first place, there must be something important God is trying to show you and that’s his way of showing that he is defending his territory; or else he wouldn’t bother with you.
The post KNOCK, KNOCK. Turn your bad into good. appeared first on Jess Throw It On.